jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

The meaning of the ORANGE color

2nd Chakra - Svadhisthana – Sacral or Lower abdomen to navel 


Element - Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification Aligned with the planet Mars and the Sun

Orange is the color of creativity, sexuality, joy, enthusiasm, and promotes a general sense of wellness.
Orange stones increase and aid personal power, self-esteem and confidence. A balance of orange will let a person handle the ups and downs of life with finesse, quickly recovering from disappointments or wounded heart or pride.
ORANGE Spiritually Effects - Creativity, emotional balance, sexuality, harmony, passion, freedom, intuition, and expression of emotions.
ORANGE Physical Effects - sexuality, genital area, reproductive organs, pulse rate, gall bladder, bowel and lower intestine, food allergies, eating disorders. It aids rheumatism, arthritis and exhaustion. It relieves bladder and kidney problems, food allergies and eating disorders.
  •  Too much Orange: We become self-centered, manipulative, and self serving, disregarding the needs of others. Pride and arrogance can push us out of balance.
  • Too little Orange and we become frigid, distrustful, timid or shy, and overly sensitive. We lose our motivation, our self esteem suffers, and we have a tendency to isolate or become rebellious. We hide our emotions and are easily hurt. This can lead to becoming mistrustful of others, introverted, unable to show emotions, worrying about what others think, and even anti-social behavior.
Essential Oils & Flowers - gardenia, lemon, ylang, and jasmine.
  • Blocked: When this chakra is blocked we experience guilt, fear, anxiety, attachments to material things, a lack of compassion, and distrust.  Physical symptoms are a stiff lower back, restlessness, confusion and lack of sexual desire or pleasure.
Add ORANGE when you want to spice things up when time is dragging, to become more involved in just living life , to increase creativity and enthusiasm, to be able to have more trust in others.
Wear the color ORANGE when you are going to be very busy, or are in a position where you need to be outgoing, cheerful and encourage others to be their best.  It stimulates enthusiasm and creativity, and provides emotional energy that you can give to others, including compassion, passion and genuine warmth.
Orange Chakra Keywords - out going, self assuredness, intellect, busy, bright, courage, creativity, relationships, property deals, authority, power, sun and fire elements, happiness, motivation, well-being, awareness, kindness, success, concentration, optimism, legal matters, strength, reproductions, business goals, selling, action, amiability, communication, cheerful, stimulation, energy, vitality, endurance.

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